Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Holiday Traditions

I don't know about you, but this is my FAVORITE time of year! I love all the festivities that surround the holidays.  There are many silly and FUN traditions in the Font Family like...

-New Christmas Eve Pajamas and watching a holiday movie
-The annual Trim-the-Tree party
-Stringing Popcorn to put around the tree

And Sooooo much more holiday fun!

This left me thinking- What Holiday Traditions do your look forward to this time of year?  
Here's my dogs, Tucker and Copper, "happily" wearing their
reindeer antlers in front of my Christmas tree this year. 
Merry & Bright!
-Mr. Font 


  1. I am looking forward to many things on Christmas this year. One thing I'm looking forward to this year on Christmas is that my sister Julie comes home from college to have fun with Us on Christmas and Julie and I are the closest so it's nice to have to bond with her on is so cool when the elf on the shelf comes and moves every day and we have to find him.remember no touching the elf on the shelf .I also enjoy when the night before Christmas we set out milk and cookies for Santa to eat and the next day I come running down to see If he ate it in he always does and that
    makes me smile:) I really love when we usually go out to see the Christmas lights on peoples houses that is really relaxing and enjoyable at the same time.I enjoy when you come down on Christmas and we start opening the presents and tearing the wrapping open and we have to like figure out how to use the game or how to use the object that we got for Christmas and it's so funny how some time to end up like failing but it's still fun because it's Christmas Day.well these are only some things that I enjoy looking forward to on Christmas 2014 but I just can't fit all of the things I'm looking forward to because I have to many like way to many. hope you enjoyed reading my own post.HHOHHO🎅

    1. Hey?!? What about your good bonding with your twin?!? Just kidding you didn't have to say that ;) But it is nice to go down stairs and see all the milk and cookies gone from the plate! Santa evidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Olivia - All of your traditions sound wonderful and fun! It is nice when everyone is home. I am looking forward to having Jim home too!! I remember driving around and looking at all the beautiful lights when Jim was younger. Maybe I need to bring that tradition back! :-) I leave chocolate chip cookies and milk too! #YUM. #Nothing better!
      Mrs. Dzugan

    3. Nice job Caitlin. I am glad you get to spend time with your sister Julie. - Mr. Chanod

    4. Family is truly what the holidays are all about!
      -Mr. Font

    5. I just can't wait until the snow falls so I can beat my Dad again for the third time on snowball fights. On my first winning he made me a snow throne but I call it : the snow toilet!

  2. I am looking forward to a lot of things this Christmas! One of the most special things about this Christmas is that my sister Jordan got accepted to the University of Johnson and Whales so this will be our last Christmas together :( I also love shopping for my entire family at the stores in the Mall and the Outlets ( Yes and I mean Aunts, Uncles, Grandmas, Mom, Dad, Sisters, Cousins, and you can't forget the adorable puppy dogs)! One of my favorite things about Christmas is putting out dark red, grass green, and gold decorations out just like the Christmas bells. My family also likes to put out scenery and my Dad likes to put out trains during the holidays! So even though I don't have an elf on the shelf I have a family that has the craziest Christmases and the nuttiest new years and all we need is love!

    1. Jada i totally agree! Love should be in the air during Christmas time and not just during valentines day. This is why room 20 needs a mistletoe....JustKidding. But i love the idea that you mentioned your siblings and to be honest i didn't want to mention them. Well of course i couldn't forget about them because even though we fight sometimes we all love each other on the inside. #christmaslove #room20mistletoe #justkidding #HaveAMerryChristmas! :)

    2. Hey a holiday that includes shopping is alright with me! I agree Jada, shopping for my family and friends is always fun. Congratulations to Jordan! Your Christmas sounds lovely and loving. Enjoy it!
      Mrs. Dzugan

    3. That is a nice tradition! Our family stays HOME every year on Christmas Day. We loaf around in our PJ's, watch the Disney Parade and order Chinese food for dinner. We spend the whole day home and enjoy each others company! It is nice to not travel for that one day and I always look forward to it. - Mr. Chanod

    4. One of my favorite things about the holidays is DECORATING! So I am with ya Jada. I can't believe I forgot about the Disney Christmas Parade. It has been a Font House tradition for as long as I can imagine. We also spend the day in our new Christmas Eve Pajamas. Although we have a big feast and play tons of games comfort is the key. Visiting family members also arrive in their PJs. (Don't tell my family but this year their Christmas Eve PJs are Olaf inspired).

    5. Hey Mr. Font you can never forget the rapping paper
      # It's all about that rapping paper!!!

    6. Oh and Livy I love the Chinese food tradition I might have to introduce that to my family # who doesn't like Chinese food

  3. I am actually looking forward to a bunch of things this Christmas 2014! Our ( kids tradition ) in our family is when it is Christmas Eve, Olivia, Natalie and I stay up as late as we can and then they send me to go stand on he bottom step of the stairs and listen for Santa threw the other side of the door by putting my ear up against it and by the way our rooms are upstairs because we share one so thats how i listen for Santa. And on the same night we do a bunch of experiments to see if Santa was here by waiting till exactly 1.00AM on December 25th, then they send the secret spy ( which is me ) down stairs then i quitely open the door making sure Santa doesn't see me, then i do a little dance because i knew Santa came by looking at all of the great presents. Then we fall fast asleep until the sun rises. One of the other things i look forward too is spending the whole Christmas Day with my family especially, because our family was never together as one because were always at our activities and our parents are always at work, and also Julie our oldest sister is always in collage, and Christmas is not just about the presents its about sharing love with your family, also being happily together as one, and its about Jesus's birth. And one other thing i look forward too this christmas is going christmas shopping! C'mon who doesn't like to shop for Christmas presents, the thing i love about christmas shopping is about remembering your friends, and loved ones and carrying about them so much, also remembering what good deed they didi too you! well thats all folks for today's blog post and remember to comment!

    1. Caitlin - sounds like you and your sisters have a good spy system going for checking up on Santa. Be careful and have fun!!
      Mrs. Dzugan

    2. Mrs.Dzugan-
      I hope you think our plan is great!

    3. I'm lovin this Santa spy system oh and if you ever need a little help i'm your girl # Santa is on the loose

    4. Oh ya Jada, we can bring you to our house and so you can help us with the wiesenharts spy system!

    5. Mr.Font-
      Im to much! No one under estimate then to much-er

  4. Mr.Font-
    I am super glad you picked this topic for this blog post because I had soooooooooo much to write about, about this topic! By the way the pictures of your dogs are adorable, and can I say, your Christmas tree is just fascinating =)

  5. Well, I certainly enjoyed reading your posts! We have a big family Christmas party for all of my family and relatives a few days before Christmas. At this party we FaceTime in any family member that could not make it (my sister in Italy and her family, my sister in England and my nephew in California) so they do not miss out on yhe family festivities. We play many Christmas-themed games (that is my job to create and set-up), trade presents, crack open our English "crackers", play music together on home made i

  6. Sorry ipad got stuck. I was saying that we play music on this funny home made horns ( we are awful but we laugh a lot) , sing songs and eat!! I love having my family together. I also do a tree-trimming party with my son and cousin, Lori as well as giving and getting a new pair of pajamas on Christmas eve. I always give my son, Jim, a new ornament for the tree each year. That way, when he is grown and moves into his own home, he will have a box of ornaments that he can use on his own tree. I think that is my favorite tradition. Happy Holidays everyone!!

    1. I truly love what you worte

    2. Mrs. Dzugan- Have you already purchased this year's ornament?

    3. Mrs. Dzugan that comment you wrote was lovely I really like seeing my family on Christmas to but one of my favorite things I do on Christmas is to pick out a tree but I'm usually the one who makes the final decision because my sister likes the really tall thin ones but i'm more of the medium height fat one!!!! # you have to get the perfect tree:)

    4. Yes Mr. Font, I do have Jim's ornament. Every year I try to find one that reflects something important in Jim's life that year or highlights an interest. Ironically, this year Hallmark offered a "Happy Halloween" Christmas ornament and seeing how Jim was born on Halloween well...enough said, SOLD!! Wrapped and ready for Christmas Eve but don't tell Jim. #it's a secret

  7. As all of you know, in the Beck house we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. This year the kids are looking forward to the nightly Hanukkah money bag that they get to pick from. Also, each sibling buys the other 2 siblings a gift so they learn that the holidays are about giving as well as receiving! On Christmas Eve my favorite tradition is after dinner when we make our reindeer food together with oats and glitter. Then we all put on our warm winter clothing and go out in the front yard and throw the food up in the air all around the front yard. We act silly jumping in the air, doing piggybacks and always taking pictures to remember this! Then we go inside and bake cookies and prepare Santa's tray of cookies, milk and carrots for the reindeer. Tyler writes Santa a note and then we place it all on the table in front of the fire place. This is the first place we go in the the morning to see how hungry Santa was, what kind of mess he made and what note he left for all of us. We LOVE that we get to celebrate both holidays! Happy Holidays to all of you in Room #20!! Love, Stephanie Beck

    1. I love both the giving and receiving! Your reindeer food tradition sounds like a blast and I can only imagine the fun time all the Becks have being silly outside.

      Thanks for sharing!

    2. Sounds like great traditions for your two holidays (especially that fresh-baked cookie part - YUM)! Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

    3. I love to be a part of my family tradition and by the way, if you really want potato latkes just call me and we can meet at around 8:00.

  8. Am I the only one who also LOVES the wrapping? I plan on getting my wrapping on this weekend and I can't wait?
    -Mr. Font

  9. I love waking up to a beautiful snowfall while everybody's in bed. Also it's cool when we go to my Grandma's house until very late so when we are on our way home we don't know if Santa came yet! Also watching funny movies,lazy nights, and staying up later than usaul, go to parties, and finally relax and play in the snow.
    Stay save everybody and enjoy yourself (behave yourselves:)
    -The one and only Fancy Socks

    1. I will behave and I liked your comment on how you like waking up to a beautiful snowfall, I can just picture that in my head really well

    2. Robert behaving himself it's a Christmas miracle......just kidding i'm sure your wonderful during the holidays Robert!

    3. I absolute love wrapping presents, oh and great comment Robert! Your lucky you get to see your grandmother on Christmas Eve! My other grandmother Grandma deal who is from Vietnam who don't get to see because she lives in South Carolina! But very cool wording in your post :)

    4. Sounds like a TON of fun! Last year my family (and extended family) voted and we will be spending all of Christmas Day in our Christmas PJs. SOOOO comfy! Can't wait for that and the fun games we play.
      -Mr. Font

    5. Your traditions sound like a lovely Christmas movie. I hope we get your snowfall for Christmas, Fancy Socks. Enjoy every minute and I promise to behave!

  10. Alright lets get down to business room 20 what kind of rapper are you? Do you like to bag it or do you like to rap it with all the beautiful rapping paper you can get like Mr. Font and I Comment below to let me know

    1. Me Everyone knows I'm a little bit of a lazy person. I have to go with bags because when ever I try to rap, everything turns Into a big mess! There you have it room 20 and other folks I'm a bag person because of my lazyness! :)

    2. Don't worry Liv either way is fine some of the bags are really pretty like the ones that have snowmen and Santa Clause on them just don't forget the tissue paper

    3. Thanks. I really agree of how wrapping paper is also pretty too!

    4. I actually like to wrap it! #wrappinggirl #nowrapnogame

    5. Me to Caitlin even if its like something round I always manage to rap it lol!

    6. I am all for wrapping paper. "Rap" is a type of music, "Wrap" is what you do presents. Be careful with your spelling so your message can be conveyed.

      That being said, I love to WRAP!

    7. I am a wrapper all the way!!! I love to use tons of ribbons and bows and glittery paper. I coordinate my wrapping so each gift wrapped compliments the other wrapped gifts. I can spend hours and hours (usually do) wrapping and never tire of the chore. I will use some gift bags but my gift is usually wrapped inside the gift bag. HA HA!!

  11. This Christmas im looking forward for my sister coming home because we never really get to see each other very often. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is going out in the snow with my dad and my friends and having snowball fights. I also love laying inside, drinking hot coco while watching movies with my family. I really love decorating my house in Christmas decorations. One last thing im really looking forward to is that im going to Disney on the 4th. I am really excited! Sorry Mr. Font :/. Happy Holidays room 20!

    1. lol you and liv and like the same comment!

    2. Mary we have so much in commin! I want Julie to come home and you want Grace to come home. Sisterly love ;)

    3. The holidays are all about family!

    4. I agree, it is all about the family, near and far, related and not related members, just taking that moment to show we care about each other. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  12. During Christmas time I look forward to going to my cousins house to celebrate Christmas with my family. Also I look forward to sneaking my Ipod into my room and checking my Santa checking app every few minutes and waking up to see my brightly light Christmas tree and trying to wake up my parents so I can open presents in the morning. Happy Holidays!

    1. Sounds like a fun time!
      -Mr. Font

    2. Hey Michael, when I worked in Air Traffic Control, we (the controllers) use to watch Santa's sleigh travel through our area (officially called air space) on the radar scopes. I suppose that was the "original" Santa app. Enjoy your celebration!!

    3. That sounded like i was fun Mrs.Dzugan.

  13. Michael I love the Santa tracking app. I go over a close family friends house during Christmas Eve so I go on the computer and watch him go all around the world!
    # Where is Santa now

    1. I better get that app. It sounds fontastic. ( I know I'm saying fontastic a lot) :)

    2. That's really cool Michael! I'm going to try the santa tracking this year!!

    3. I feel like I need to know more about this app.
      -Mr. Font

    4. Oh it's so cool Mr. Font you check in every time you have a spare minute! I always check in on him on Christmas eve on my computer

    5. I follow him on my home computer now also. Always fun and exciting to watch! #you better watch out

  14. I enjoy that Cassidy,Joshua,Ryan,Shen,and me track santa on christmas eve and eat mini hot dogs!
    #Can't wait

  15. My holiday tradition is lighting the candles on hanukkah then singing jingle bells for christmas.

  16. My tradition is we light candles on the side walk. It's REALLY COOL!:-)

    1. Neave,
      My family has always loved the candles in the bags that line the streets of your neighborhood. We often drive around all those streets just to look at it!
      Stephanie Beck

  17. I like to open and give presents on Christmas.

  18. My family tradition is that we invite the whole family and some friends to come over on Christmas day and we have a big celebration!!

  19. My family tradition is on Christmas eve my whole family comes over we open presents, eat lobster (yum!) and we watch a Christmas movie.

    1. Cool Livy I love your comment on traditions!
