Saturday, October 3, 2015

Third Grade Superheroes


We had a SUPER beginning to our year together.  We started the first day by analyzing a scene from Disney's Incredibles asking ourselves, "What is the job of a hero?". We documented our Hero qualities on an anchor chart and are constantly working to be a third grade hero. 

Here's the anchor chart that we created documenting the
qualities of a hero. 

We read The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man and created our own superheroes.  We wrote about ways that we were going to be a third grade superhero. 

We started our first Read Aloud of the year. Captain Awesome is a phenomenal story told from the perspective of a little boy named Eugene who has a Superhero alter ego named, you guessed it, Captain Awesome. One of the best parts of this book is that Captain Awesome sees everything from the perspective of superhero- even his arch enemy, his little sister Queen Stinkypants. 

It's been a SUPER start of the school year!

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